1 min read

What students will remember ⛰

First impressions count, but they’re not the most memorable part of an experience.

  • Planted2 months ago
  • Last tended2 months ago
Surfing waves

First impressions count. They set the tone and expectations for what’s about to follow.

But, they’re not the most memorable part of an experience.

Instead, we tend to judge what we experience by how we feel at the most intense moments—whether positive or negative—and at the very end. 🎬

That’s a psychological, cognitive bias called the Peak-End Rule.

Tux, the Linux mascot

Create deliberate peaks 🎢

When designing your course, try to create plenty of opportunities for positive “peak” moments to arise. For example, encourage your students to celebrate their wins, however big or small, and celebrate with them.

How are you creating peak moments for your students right now? 🧐

Drop me a DM on Twitter and let me know!